10:00 AM - 7:30 PM
GAC - Golden Age Club Trips - GAC - Sight and Sound Theater - Noah ≈ TRIP REGISTRATION PROCEDURES
Participants (adults aged 55+) in all GAC events & trips must be current members of the club.
Phone registrations cannot be accepted. Members may call to inquire about an event but must register online at www.uppermorelandrec.com, mail in or drop off registration fees. No spots can be ‘held’ without payment or deposit.
All bus trips are first come-first served. Members may register until seats are filled OR until the “Magic Date” has passed. (Most trips list a “Magic Date” which reflects the date when balances are due & when we will no longer issue refunds.)
Payment in FULL is expected for trips totaling $100 or less. A deposit in the amount of $100 is required for all other trips (unless otherwise noted).
Bus seats are assigned according to the date you registered. ALL members of a party must register at one time in order to be seated together. If someone registers late and requests to be seated with someone who has already registered, the early registrant will be moved further back.
Pick up location is the GIANT FOODSTORES in Willow Grove. Park in the rear of the parking lot, closest to Veterans Memorial Park. The address for Giant is 315 York Rd, Willow Grove, PA 19090.
Checks should be made payable to Upper Moreland Township and should include the trip name and menu choice (if applicable) in the notes.
Payment may be made online via credit card, however, there is a 2.99% processing fee (that goes directly to the credit company) for all credit card transactions.
If a trip fills we will maintain a waiting list. Names on the list will be recorded & notified of any openings in the order in which requests for the trip are received.
After the magic date, a refund will be granted only if the vacated seat is filled. Individual trip insurance is available for you to purchase on some trips. In some instances, once the reservation is made & tickets are purchased, no refund can be granted.
Trip itineraries are ALWAYS subject to change.